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  • Let's make Cloud #67: What you should know before refactoring CDK applications, A first look at the brand new Amazon Bedrock Studio, A Cloud Scripting Engine for DevOps Workflows

Let's make Cloud #67: What you should know before refactoring CDK applications, A first look at the brand new Amazon Bedrock Studio, A Cloud Scripting Engine for DevOps Workflows

What you should know before refactoring CDK applications, A first look at the brand new Amazon Bedrock Studio, A Cloud Scripting Engine for DevOps Workflows

Hello CloudMakers!

Today we shall see:

  • What you should know before refactoring CDK applications

  • A first look at the brand new Amazon Bedrock Studio

  • A Cloud Scripting Engine for DevOps Workflows


Hey CDK, what should I know before refactoring CDK applications?

This article provides an in-depth look at refactoring Cloud Development Kit (CDK) applications, with a focus on preserving critical stateful resources like databases and S3 buckets. It explores the CloudFormation engine underlying CDK and how it handles resource creation, updates, and deletion. Practical examples demonstrate identifying properties that trigger resource replacements, constructing logical IDs to avoid unintended deletions, and implementing testing strategies to validate stateful resource integrity during refactoring. The article also covers CloudFormation's two-phase execution process and the use of deletion policies to control resource removal behavior.

A first look at the brand new Amazon Bedrock Studio

This article discusses the recently announced Amazon Bedrock Studio, a web interface that provides a rapid prototyping environment for building generative AI applications. It explores the various components and capabilities offered by Bedrock Studio, including access to multiple foundation models like Anthropic Claude and LLaMA, as well as features like Knowledge Bases, Guardrails, and Functions.

The article describes the details of each component, explaining how they can be combined to create tailored generative AI applications within Bedrock Studio's collaborative workspace environment. It also touches on the current limitations, such as regional availability and potential quota issues.

Overall, the article presents Amazon Bedrock Studio as a valuable playground for developers to experiment with generative AI, lowering the entry barrier and enabling rapid prototyping of applications leveraging the latest technologies.

Flowpipe: A Cloud Scripting Engine for DevOps Workflows

Flowpipe is an open source tool designed for DevOps teams to orchestrate tasks and workflows across various cloud services, including AWS. It allows expressing pipelines, steps, and triggers using the HCL language, which is familiar to DevOps practitioners.

Key features of Flowpipe include the ability to compose pipelines using mods (reusable modules), integrate SQL queries, AWS Lambda functions, or containers as needed, and develop, test, and run pipelines locally before deployment.

Flowpipe enables automating routine tasks by scheduling pipelines to run at regular intervals. It also supports triggering pipelines based on events or incoming webhooks, making it suitable for responding to real-time events in the DevOps workflow.

The tool leverages HCL code, which includes blocks, arguments, expressions, and built-in functions for flow control, error handling, and documentation. Flowpipe also provides access to open-source composable modules, which can be discovered and used from the Flowpipe Hub.

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