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  • Let's make Cloud #66: Building a Serverless Newsletter, Build an AI image catalogue, Top Terraform Tools to Know in 2024

Let's make Cloud #66: Building a Serverless Newsletter, Build an AI image catalogue, Top Terraform Tools to Know in 2024

Building a Serverless Newsletter, Build an AI image catalogue, Top Terraform Tools to Know in 2024

Hello CloudMakers!

Today we shall see:

  • Building a Serverless Newsletter

  • Build an AI image catalogue

  • Top Terraform Tools to Know in 2024


Building a Serverless Newsletter: Your Guide to AWS and Amazon SES

While Amazon SES and serverless functions are well-trodden ground for many developers, this article takes an unconventional approach to building a newsletter infrastructure. The author eschews AWS Lambda in favor of an AWS Step Function workflow to orchestrate the entire email sending process. This innovative implementation piques interest by demonstrating that serverless can indeed exist without Lambda functions.

Build an AI image catalogue! - Claude 3 Haiku

This article showcases the creation of a serverless image cataloguing application using Anthropic's Claude 3 on Amazon Bedrock. The app generates summaries and categories for uploaded images, enhancing photo album functionality.

The article breaks down the application's architecture, utilizing AWS services like S3, Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB. It emphasizes the importance of prompt engineering when working with AI models and includes code samples for the Lambda functions. The author demonstrates the potential of AI and cloud computing in transforming digital experiences, particularly in photo management.

Top Terraform Tools to Know in 2024

Many of the tools covered in this article will be familiar to Terraform users, such as popular linting tools like TFLint, security scanners like Checkov and Terrascan, and testing frameworks like Terratest. However, the author also explores some lesser-known but intriguing utilities. For instance, Pike automatically generates least-privilege IAM policies based on the resources defined in Terraform code, enhancing security. Driftctl detects infrastructure drift by comparing the actual state with the Terraform configurations. Blast Radius provides insightful visualizations of Terraform dependency graphs, aiding in understanding complex deployments. While some tools are well-established in the Terraform ecosystem, others like these offer fresh perspectives and capabilities that infrastructure engineers may find valuable to incorporate into their workflows.

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