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  • Let's make Cloud #52: Amazon EKS access management simplified, Projen project generator, Simple Sabotage for Software

Let's make Cloud #52: Amazon EKS access management simplified, Projen project generator, Simple Sabotage for Software

Amazon EKS access management simplified, Projen project generator, Simple Sabotage for Software

Hello CloudMakers!

Today we shall see:

  • Amazon EKS access management simplified

  • Projen project generator

  • Simple Sabotage for Software

Have a wonderful Christmas! 🎄

A deep dive into simplified Amazon EKS access management controls

The latest updates to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) mark a shift away from the infamous aws-auth ConfigMap, introducing a more direct and efficient way to manage cluster access. Now, administrators can grant AWS IAM principals access to EKS clusters through the EKS APIs.

This API enables the use of infrastructure as code tools for setting up access configurations, giving administrators the ability to modify or revoke permissions assigned to the AWS IAM principal responsible for creating the cluster. This development aims to streamline the process of granting access to clusters and their contents. Finally!

Getting started with Projen and AWS CDK

I don't know about you, but I usually take advantage of the holidays to dive into my side projects. If you're like me and you're about to immerse yourself in the winter holidays, this tool might just make your life easier… or at least the initial setup.

Projen is an open-source project generator that streamlines managing configurations for a multitude of tools and setups. Projen allows developers to define project structures and configurations in code, greatly enhancing ease of maintenance and cross-project sharing. It supports various project types, including AWS CDK construct libraries, react applications, Java, and Python projects. Utilizing the jsii library, Projen facilitates multi-language API development. A standout feature is the projenrc file, offering a unified interface for entire project configuration management.

Simple sabotage for software

Ever heard of the CIA's 'Simple Sabotage' book from World War 2? It's a guide on how to mess things up in enemy organizations. Fast forward to today, and it turns out some of those old sabotage tricks are pretty relevant in the software development world.

In this article, we've got a list for you. It's all about ways people can, knowingly or not, derail a software project. You might find some of these tactics familiar, and that's the funny part. Think of this article as a sort of Christmas story, but with a twist. It's halfway between a chuckle and a shiver 😆👻. A bit of holiday fun with a lesson on what not to do in software development.

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