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  • Let's make Cloud #48: The Backstory of Backstage, An Open-source AWS Control Tower, Write your tech talk slides rapidly with Marp

Let's make Cloud #48: The Backstory of Backstage, An Open-source AWS Control Tower, Write your tech talk slides rapidly with Marp

The Backstory of Backstage, An Open-source AWS Control Tower, Write your tech talk slides rapidly with Marp

Hello CloudMakers!

We're just 10 days away from re:Invent, and the excitement within our AWS community is palpable—we are all eagerly counting down to the year's most anticipated event! For those who share a passion for cloud innovation, the buzz is at an all-time high.

If you find yourself in Las Vegas, I encourage you to seek me out—let's connect in person! Feel free to reach out via the PeerTalk app or just say hi if you see me around. It's a fantastic opportunity for us to meet and share our cloud journeys.

Today we shall see:

  • The Backstory of Backstage

  • An Open-source AWS Control Tower

  • Write your tech talk slides rapidly with Marp


From Spotify to Open Source: The Backstory of Backstage

Today's feature sheds light on Spotify's innovative tool, Backstage, which is transforming the DevOps landscape. Aimed at simplifying the complexities of software development, Backstage serves as a unifying developer portal that orchestrates various aspects of the software lifecycle under one roof. It's designed to reduce the cognitive load on developers by streamlining workflows, automating tasks, and promoting best practices through standardized templates. The decision to open-source Backstage is a game-changer, allowing teams across different sectors to tailor this tool to their platform engineering needs, ultimately fostering efficiency and collaboration on a global scale.

telophasecli: an Open-source AWS Control Tower

The telophasecli tool tackles the challenge of managing multiple AWS accounts by allowing users to provision new accounts and apply CDK stacks across them from a single place. This was developed in response to the difficulties faced when using AWS Control Tower and CloudFormation Templates, which typically require manual login and management within the AWS UI, a process made more complex by account switching with SSO.

The tool aims to provide a better user experience by enabling the application of CDK code across many AWS accounts through code rather than manual processes. This approach can streamline operations for teams working with AWS at scale.

Write your tech talk slides rapidly with Marp

This article reviews Marp, a tool for creating slides through Markdown in a text editor. It's useful for those who present technical content and prefer to write slides like a text document. Marp provides built-in layouts which lets users focus on content first and design later.

With Marp's VSCode plugin, users can see slides as they write, reducing the need to switch between applications. Slides are text-based, so they can be version-controlled with Git, allowing for straightforward updates and collaboration.

The article includes a tutorial on using Marp to create different slide types, add speaker notes, and customize with CSS, offering a method for presenters to efficiently produce slides.

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